Developing a toy rental platform by utilizing Magento and ReactJS.


  • Magento
  • ReactJS
  • Amazon Recurring Payment


eCommerce application


6 months






The front end of the application is developed using React and the complete checkout functionality is being managed by Magento. The entire information about the products, images, prices etc is present on the AWS servers.

We used AWS API to fetch that data in the form of JSON files and then present that data on the React frontend application. So whenever a user hits the “Buy now” button, Magento API is hit which takes the user to the checkout process being managed by Magento.

We developed a customized template for the project by going through different brainstorming sessions with the client and our UI/UX team.

Major Challenges and their Solutions

Amazon recurring payment

A significant hurdle we faced was the integration of Amazon recurring payments into our application, especially since it wasn’t initially supported in Germany. To overcome this, our development team collaborated closely with Amazon’s own developers to create a specialized module. Notably, this marked the inaugural introduction of Amazon recurring payments in the German market. 

Custom checkout functionality with Amazon

We successfully integrated Amazon recurring payment by developing a fully customized checkout process. The main challenge was adapting Amazon’s recurring payment, which necessitates customers to sign billing agreements. Since the existing extension lacked this capability, we meticulously tailored the checkout functionality to allow users to sign the necessary billing agreement before proceeding to the next steps.

Zendesk integration

The client utilized Zendesk for customer service and support ticketing but required specific Magento data to appear within the Zendesk dashboard. Unfortunately, Zendesk’s native API couldn’t retrieve this data from Magento. To address this, we developed and implemented our custom APIs, allowing seamless transfer of order and customer data from the Magento dashboard to Zendesk servers.

Custom credit feature

The company had a policy in place to compensate customers if their shipments were delayed for any reason. To facilitate this, we created a specialized backend module. This module allows administrators to credit a specified amount to the customer’s account, which becomes visible on the customer’s application front end. Subsequently, this credited amount is automatically adjusted in the customer’s next invoice.

Payone payment gateway integration

We seamlessly incorporated the Payone payment gateway into the application, replacing the previous use of PayPal. During this transition, we successfully transferred existing customer data from PayPal to the Payone payment gateway.

Automatic subscription pause feature

In the scenario where a customer has acquired a 6-month subscription but wishes to temporarily suspend it, our system allows them to initiate a pause request directly through the application’s user interface. After the designated pause duration, the subscription will automatically resume.

Automatic reminders

The application provided customers with automatic email reminders for product returns and exchange requests. In cases where a product remained undelivered for an extended period, despite reminders, the system would reactivate the customer’s subscription, initiating invoice generation.